About Tech Mahindra Foundation

Tech Mahindra Foundation is the corporate social responsibility arm of Tech Mahindra Ltd. Established in 2006, under Section 25 of the Companies Act (now Section 8), it is today active in 11 cities across India .The Foundation works in three key verticals – education, skill development and disability


SMART (Skills for Market Training) is Tech Mahindra Foundation’s flagship employability programme, with 86 centres providing skill development in 11 cities. In addition, the Foundation runs eight Tech Mahindra SMART Academies: four SMART Academies for Healthcare, three SMART Academies for Digital Technologies, and one SMART Academy for Logistics and Supply Chain Management as its flagship programme in employability. Over the years, SMART has successfully trained over one lakh young men and women, with a placement rate of over 75%. Its robust processes, stringent monitoring system and industry-led approach have created a model for scaling up skill development while maintaining high training standards. 


Tech Mahindra Foundation is committed to teacher empowerment, enrichment in learning opportunities for children, effective school governance and enhancing parental involvement in school education. In the domain of education, Shikshaantar is the Foundation’s training programme for teachers. The Foundation runs two premier in-service teacher capacity building institutes called In-Service Teacher Education Institutes (ITEIs) in North Delhi and East Delhi Municipal Corporations.
The Foundation also works in 15 schools through its ARISE (All Round Improvement in School Education) programme with the objective of holistic development of children in these schools.


Disability is the third major area of intervention for Tech Mahindra Foundation. The Foundation works towards ensuring that Persons with Disabilities have the opportunity for a better future and dignified lives. This is done through two programmes: ARISE+ (All Round Improvement in Special Education) and SMART+ (Skills-for Market Training for Persons with Disabilities). The Foundation mandates that 10% of all its beneficiaries are Persons with Disabilities.

Tech Mahindra's CSR Committee

Tech Mahindra Foundation's Board

Tech Mahindra Foundation's Management Team

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TMF Progress Report FY 2021-22

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